Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Green Tea Weight Loss Diet Study

On a green tea weight loss diet study - Sixty obese middle-aged women were placed on a diet of 1,800 calories per day. Some of the women took green tea diet pill with breakfast, lunch, and dinner; the others took placebo pills.

After two weeks on the green tea weight loss study, the women taking the diet pill had lost twice as much weight as the placebo group. Results were even more impressive after the full month of the trial; the green tea users had three times the weight loss of the women who were simply dieting.

The right amount of caffeine is the secret to the diet success. Caffeine in green tea increases the body's basal metabolic rate (the rate at which energy is used for the basic functions of breathing, pumping blood, and maintaining body temperature).

This increase is referred to as a thermogenic effect; it assists with a weight loss program by helping the body burn more calories during day-to-day life.

This kind of diet using green tea could be the weight loss program you have been looking for that's good for your health!

It is well known that the benefits of green tea are many. But did you know that there are numerous scientific studies to support green tea weight loss benefits?

Japanese studies have been done that prove green tea contains thermogenic (calorie burning) properties. This increases your body’s ability to burn calories. These properties can help you burn fat more efficiently and result in a weight loss boost if you hit a weight loss plateau.

Green tea can also be relaxing and is chocked full of powerful antioxidants. It’s a great addition to your daily weight loss program. Several daily cups can do more for your body than you could ever imagine and it doesn’t hurt that it can help you lose weight.

Green tea does contain caffeine, although it’s negligible in comparison to coffee.

Caffeine is an apt fat burner with a well established track record of such.

This can help your body burn fat faster while also providing you with free radical scavenging polyphenols and flavanoids. Green tea has so many beneficial uses for ailments ranging from weight loss to even cancer fighting properties- it’s no wonder why a quality, organic green tea can be put to use for you.

With that being said, as well as its health benefits, tea is an art meant to be enjoyed with all of the five senses.

The smell of quality tea, the sight of the leaves unfurling in a glass teapot, the subtle taste nuances present in the tea, the feeling of warmth as you hold the tea cup closely and the sound of loose leaves crumbling under the pressure of a human touch comprise the whole of the tea experience.

Green tea is most beneficial when brewed properly and taken regularly. About 3 cups per day will start you on the path to a healthier you.

There aren’t any side effects associated with green tea, however, people with caffeine sensitivity should consult with their primary care physician prior to embarking on the green tea journey.

Green tea is nature’s medicine cabinet.

The weight loss potential within green tea should be combined with a healthy diet and proper exercise. Drinking umpteen cups of green tea can’t hurt, but it shouldn’t replace a proper exercise routine and a healthy diet.

Green tea weight loss program cannot replace a well-rounded diet and proper exercise regimen, but it can definitely start you on the way!

Good luck on your start to a new you!

10 Great Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

I’ve researched and discovered some sources about losing weight, diets and obesity. I used many medicines which are completely made up of chemicals. At the end, I turned back to the traditional treatment since I thought that those chemicals damage my liver. During my researches I discovered the benefits of green tea. Please do not confuse green tea with black tea which everyone drinks daily.

Ancient Chinese people knew the benefits of green tea for health. They have always used it for medical purposes. However, in Ancient China, it was used especially against the headaches and depression. Green tea has a great importance in China history. It is produced from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis by some special processes. Unlike black tea, it has little amount of caffeine which causes to insomnia, nausea and frequent urination.

  1. It is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
  2. It is used for treatment and prevention of cancer.
  3. It is used to stop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
  4. It is used to raise the metabolism and increase fat oxidation.
  5. It reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks by reducing the risk of trombosis.
  6. It reduces the risk of esophageal cancer.
  7. Drinking green tea inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
  8. It is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases
  9. It is used to treat impaired immune function. .
  10. Some researches show that, drinking green te

Monday, August 31, 2009

Terawih di bulan Ramadhan

Fadhilat Terawih

Ramadhan Mubarak all! Here's the list of "Fadhilat Terawih for each night" for your reference. Selamat beribadah semua.

Sayidina Ali Abi Talib ra. meriwayatkan sebuah Hadis (yang panjang) daripada Raulullah s.a.w, iaitu jawapan baginda ketika ditanya oleh para sahabat mengenai fadhilat dan kelebihan solat Tarawih pada setiap malam di bulan Ramadhan. Baginda bersabda bahawa:

Malam ke 1
Diampuni dosa-dosa orang yang beriman sebagaimana keadaannya baru dilahirkan.

Malam ke 2
Diampunkan dosa orang-orang yang beriman yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih, serta dosa- dosa kedua ibu bapanya.

Malam ke 3
Para malaikat di bawah 'Arasy menyeru kepada manusia yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih itu agar meneruskan solatnya pada malarn-malam yang lain, semoga Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka.

Malam ke 4
Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih akan memperolehi pahala sebagaimana pahala yang diperolehi oleh orang-orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran.

Malam ke 5
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan pahala seumpama pahala orang-orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang di Masjidil Haram, Masjid Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa.

Malam ke 6
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seumpama pahala malaikat-malaikat yang bertawaf di Baitul Makmur serta setiap batu dan tanah berdoa untuk keampunan orang-orang yang mengerjakan tarawih malam itu.

Malam ke 7
Seoalah-olah ia dapat bertemu dengan Nabi Musa a.s serta menolong Nabi itu menentang musuhnya Fir'aun dan Hamman.

Malam ke 8
Allah S.W.T mengurniakan pahala orang yang bersolat tarawih sebagaimana pahala yang dikurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

Malam ke 9
Allah S.W.T akan mengumiakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hamba-Nya seperti Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Malam ke 10
Allah SWT mengurniakan kepada kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.

Malam ke 11
la meninggal dunia didalam keadaan bersih dari dosa seperti baru dilahirkan.

Malam ke 12
la akan dibangkitkan pada hari kiamat dengan muka yang bercahaya-cahaya.

Malam ke 13
la akan datang pada hari kiamat di dalam keadaan aman sentosa dari sebarang kejahatan dan keburukan.

Malam ke 14
Malaikat-malaikat akan datang menyaksikan mereka bersolat Tarawih serta Allah S.W.T. tidak akan menyesatkan mereka.

Malam ke 15
Semua malaikat yang memikul Arasy dan Kursi akan berselawat dan mendoakannya supaya Allah mengampunkannya.

Malam ke 16
Allah S.W.T. menuliskan baginya dari kalangan mereka yang terlepas dari api neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga.

Malam ke 17
Allah S.W.T menuliskan baginya pahala pada malam ini sebanyak pahala Nabi-Nabi.

Malam ke 18
Malaikat akan menyeru: Wahai hamba Allah sesungguhnya Allah telah redha denganmu dan dengan kedua ibu bapamu (yang masih hidup atau yang sudah mati).

Malam ke 19
Allah S.W.T akan meninggikan darjatnya di dalam syurga firdaus.

Malam ke 20
Allah S.W.T mengurniakan kepadanya pahala sekelian orang yang mati syahid dan orang-orang soleh.

Malam ke 21
Allah S.W.T akan membina untuknya sebuah mahligai di dalam syurga yang diperbuat dari cahaya.

Malam ke 22
la akan datang pada hari kiamat di dalam keadaan aman dari sebarang huru-hara pada hari tersebut.

Malam ke 23
Allah S.W.T akan membina untuknya sebuah bandar di dalam syurga daripada cahaya.

Malam ke 24
Allah S.W.T akan membuka peluang untuk dua puluh tahun ibadat bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih pada malam tersebut.

Malam ke 25
Allah S.W.T akan mengangkat seksa kubur darinya.

Malam ke 26
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan pahala empat puluh tahun ibadat bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih pada malam tersebut.

Malam ke 27
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya kemudahan untuk melintasi titian sirat sepantas kilat.

Malam ke 28
Allah S.W.T akan menaikkan kedudukannya seribu darjat di akhirat.

Malam ke 29
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seribu haji yang mabrur.

Malam ke 30
Allah S.W.T akan member penghormatan kepada orang yang bertarawih pada malam terakhir dengan firman-Nya (yang bermaksud): Wahai hambaku!, makanlah segala jenis buah-buahan yang Engkau ingini untuk dimakan di dalam syurga dan mandilah kamu di dalam sungai yang bernama salsabil serta minumiah air dari telaga yang dikurniakan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang bernama Al-Kautsar.

Selain daripada fadhilat-fadlulat yang tersebut di atas, terdapat banyak dan berbagai lagi fadhilat dan keutamaan solat Tarawih atau , Qiam, Ramadhan ini bagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadis-hadis Rasulullah s.a.w.SELAMAT BERPUASA DAN BERTARAWIH.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Olabit for your internet usage


Is your ISP Throttling your line? Can't satisfactorily download anything with p2p anymore? Have try everything, but still can't download?

Please visit us at for more information.

Computer repair or setup


This is the current project that is being doing by my brother, due he and i are in the it line we will be open to anyone who wants to setup a computer, repair computer & notebook, setup network and anything else you could discuss with us. Please provide us your specification and we will provide the quotation to you via email.

Our services is within Klang Valley, you need to spesified when and what you want due we need time to get everything ready. It's better if you could provide us your budjet for any of this jobs spesification.

Computer repair and check could be sent to our home or we will pick it up with a bit of charges.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Job Vacancy


Urgently wanted in USJ, Subang Jaya


Age : 21 – 48 yrs (Retirees are welcome)

Academic Qualification:

Possess SPM / Diploma

Preference: - Possess good verbal communication skills

In Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Inggeris,

  • Capable and highly motivated, mature and hard working candidates
  • Experience in Sales/MLM and
  • Possess own transport

Commission: RM2,500 above

Qualified candidates are invited to come for an interview.

*Please bring along your resume and qualification certificates.

Do call Suhaila for an appointment @ H/P No: 019-2257139.